.... we the Schnöll family took over the "Alte Schmiede zu Aigen" 10 years ago
and expanded it as a holiday home.
The building was completely renovated 4 years ago
(We added two apartments one on the roof and the second in the former garag)
and is now state-of-the-art.
We want to satisfy our guests so that they keep coming back.
The history of Doktorwirt
"Where is the Doctor at the Doktorwirt?” This is the question our guests repeatedly ask when they choose this beautifully located Aigen hotel at the foot of the Gaisberg mountain in Salzburg, Austria. But sorry! There is no doctor in the Family Schnoll who runs the hotel very professionally today.
There is no academic title in “Doktorwirt” – but, the question leads immediately to the history of this charming property and hotel – a history not only about Salzburg and its surroundings, but also one about links with other Alpine states such as Bavaria and Switzerland.
Stepping into the reception area, you stand in the oldest part of the “Doctorwirt,” a building built around 1100AD, a time in which Salzburg had just received its city rights. What is called “Doktorwirt” today was originally a farm estate, first mentioned in documents in 1412.
In 1451, Leonhardt Frieseneckher was the owner, and from him the estate derived its original name, “Das Frieseneggergut zu Aigen.”
The Friesenegger estate: It was not until 1670 that a real doctor was involved in the house...
see more at http://www.doktorwirt.at/geschichte.htm
Picture at the right, bottom: Karl I & brother Fritz Schnöll around 1900
in the background the old forge of Aigen, the holiday apartments are today ---->